TU9 Takes Position

TU9 Universities are not only a key element of Germany as a location for science and innovation, but also contribute to the higher education policy debate. Since 2006, the TU9 Alliance has been speaking on behalf of engineering and the natural sciences and acting as an advocacy group among partners from science, industry and politics. On a European and international level TU9 networks with other associations of technical universities and discusses international university policy matters.

The TU9 Alliance publishes Guidelines and takes a position on science policy issues with Position Papers. A complete overview of all TU9 Publications can be found in our download area

Recent Publications
icon kategorie Press Releases
Angela Ittel and Peter Middendorf Take Office as Executive Board of TU9, the Alliance of Leading Universities of Technology in Germany
TU9-ING-Woche 2024 (Foto: Simone Fürst)
icon kategorie Press Releases
TU9 STEM Study Exploration Week 2024: Your STEM Xperience – Shaping the Future Together
KI Bild zu Leitbild
icon kategorie Press Releases
TU9 at GAIN24
icon kategorie Position
German U15 & TU9 I Gaps in the Planned Research Data Act - Comments on the BMBF's Key Points
icon kategorie Position
The Future of Internationalization Overcoming Geopolitical Challenges: Resilience, European Anchoring and Knowledge Equity
icon kategorie Position
Science and Innovation System: Unlocking the Next Level"
icon kategorie Guidelines
Recommendation for Gender-Sensitive Use of Language
icon kategorie Guidelines
Uniform Criteria for Open Access Publication Funds
icon kategorie Guidelines
Defining Engineering Degree Programs
Press Releases
icon kategorie Press Releases
Angela Ittel and Peter Middendorf Take Office as Executive Board of TU9, the Alliance of Leading Universities of Technology in Germany
icon kategorie Press Releases
TU9 STEM Study Exploration Week 2024: Your STEM Xperience – Shaping the Future Together
icon kategorie Press Releases
TU9 at GAIN24