Prep Courses for Engineering Programs

Under the leadership of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the University of Stuttgart, and in cooperation with the TU9 Alliance, a number of Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences have developed two online prep courses (in German only) to prepare students for engineering degree courses.

Participation is free of charge nationwide and without the need for registration. The course materials are under an open license and can be reused as needed. Both online prep courses are regularly updated and recommended by the TU9 Alliance.

Online Prep Courses – Mathematics

The online prep courses in mathematics use instructional texts and exercises and are intended to offer prospective students the opportunity to review and refresh the math they learned at school (both courses are available in German).

In addition to extensive learning material, the VE&MINT online prep course includes diagnostic tests for self-assessment as well as numerous learning videos, interactive tasks and tests. The eleven course modules cover elementary arithmetic, equations with one unknown, inequalities with one unknown, systems of linear equations, elementary geometry, elementary functions, differential calculus, integral calculus, orientation in the two-dimensional coordinate system, and descriptive vector geometry basics.

VE&MINT Online Prep Course Mathematics


The OMB+ online prep course helps prepare students for engineering, business, science or computer science studies. The course consists of a main part with eleven chapters, the content of which follows the recommendations of the COSH group, and additional modules. Each chapter consists of four components (content, exercises, training tasks, and quizzes) and ends with an exam. Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive a certificate that is recognized as a course credit at some universities. 

OMB+ Online Prep Course Mathematics


Online Prep Course – Physics

The Online Prep Course in Physics (in German only) provides prospective students and students in their first semesters with basic knowledge, thus facilitating their entry into university physics. A comprehensive online concept was developed for the course and common entry standards for students in physics were established.

Four chapters introduce basic topics in physics – mechanics, electromagnetism, optics and thermodynamics – all of which are important for the first semesters of a STEM major. The lesson texts are supplemented with illustrative examples, instructional videos, illustrations of experiments and interactive applets. Exercises allow students to revise and consolidate what they have learned. 

Prep Course Physics